These Terms of Use govern the use of the AIAR website, of the AIAR app and of any official AIAR communication channels such as WhatsApp groups, chats or social media (together hereafter referred to as “AIAR Website”). We wish to have a friendly, intimate and secure community for our members. This is a private environment to which only AIAR members have access to, and where members have the expectation of privacy and confidentiality. We are a community of global diversity, with members from nearly every culture and country. Expectations and behaviour will be equally diverse, so to help provide a comfortable environment for all members, we have rules and etiquette. By using the AIAR Website, you confirm that you understand and accept these rules, and will follow them.

Identity and Confidentiality

- Trust and confidence are paramount within the AIAR Website. Falsely misrepresenting your identity, including the use of a pseudonym or alias, or your profile information will result in your member account being suspended or terminated.

- You alone are responsible for the usage that will be made of your account. You are accountable for all activities carried out through your account, whether with or without your knowledge or permission - until you notify us of a breach (, close down your account or prove that your account security was compromised due to a fault of our systems.

- Therefore, keep your password confidential and secure, do not use other members’ accounts and do not let others use your account. Failure to do so may result in your membership being temporarily suspended or terminated.

- We assume no liability for activities of your account accessed through your password and username.

Publishing and using information on and from the AIAR Website

- We want to keep the AIAR Website free from intrusions. You will not send or distribute unsolicited or unauthorised advertising, promotional materials, junk mail, chain letters, spam, pyramid schemes, or any other type of solicitation to other members, nor will you stalk, harass or unreasonably disturb any other member.

- You cannot post content or initiate any communications that we consider libellous, scandalous, abusive, obscene, discriminatory, unlawful, or otherwise objectionable.

- It is not permitted to make available any content or initiate communication that infringes upon the patents, trademarks, trade secrets, copyrights or other proprietary rights of third parties, whether personal, corporate or governmental.

- By publishing information on the AIAR Website, you accept that we may, as deemed necessary, copy, reproduce, translate, modify or remove the content of such information without prior notice.

- Information and pictures are posted at the sole responsibility of their author, who is liable for and bears all consequences related thereto. More specifically, you guarantee the AIAR against all actions, claims and related costs of third parties resulting out of or in connection with the content of any content posted by you on the AIAR Website. 

Use of AIAR Website information

- We use reasonable care and skill to ensure the accuracy of the information provided on the AIAR Website. However, we cannot guarantee the accuracy, precision, thoroughness or completeness of the information made available through our Website and make no representations or warranties in relation thereto, nor that the Website will be uninterrupted or error-free. You remain solely responsible to check the completeness and accuracy of information upon which you rely.

- Regarding the practice of sports, and the participation in trips and other activities in particular, such information does not replace the advice or recommendations of a qualified professional when making decision on the ground.

- In no event will the AIAR be liable for technical failures or data loss, or any loss or damage  in connection with or arising out of the use of our Website or with information made available in conjunction with or through the AIAR Website. 

- You may not monitor, data-mine, or copy our web pages or any content within the site, nor collect, archive, trade or sell any personal data or communications about other members.

- The use of any robot, spider, site search or retrieval application, or any other device to copy, retrieve, archive or index any portion of the AIAR Website, is not permitted.

- You may not share, distribute, display or publish in any form, electronic or print, any content from the AIAR Website or the names or other personal information of any members without that member or our express consent, nor can you share or transmit any content on the AIAR Website with anyone who is not registered as a current member of the AIAR , for whatever reason.

- You may not use the AIAR name, trademarks or the AIAR logo for any purpose, event or promotion without our express consent.

- You may not use the AIAR Website for any illegal purpose in any country or jurisdiction.


- We reserve our right to update/modify the Terms of Use at any time without prior notice. By continuing to use the AIAR Website, you agree to such updates or changes. If you do not agree to these Terms of Use, you should not use the AIAR Website and cancel your access.

- Furthermore, we reserve the right to suspend or terminate your member account in case of breach of the Terms of Use, or of a behavior that we judge contrary to our bylaws or the AIAR values, in our sole discretion.

- The information collected when you open an account and that is uploaded or published on the AIAR Website is necessary to the adequate functioning of the AIAR Website. It is subject to data processing. In accordance with applicable data protection laws, you are granted the right to access, update, modify, correct and remove any personal information on the AIAR Website. Please read our Privacy Policy for more information.

- The present Terms of Use shall be exclusively governed by Swiss law without regard to its conflicts of law provisions. Any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or in relation to the AIAR Website, its use and/or to any information contained therein, or in relation to the AIAR more generally, shall be finally and exclusively settled by the competent courts of the Canton of Vaud, Switzerland, subject to a right of appeal to the Swiss Federal Supreme Court.


We are committed to protecting your personal data. Our commitment to you applies no matter where you are located and in all ways that we have the opportunity to connect with you. This Privacy Policy provides you with information about our privacy practices and how we collect, use, process, and share your personal data. 

By using the AIAR Website, you are agreeing to the practices described in this Privacy Policy. If you have any questions, please contact us through the contact information below.

We maintain (and also require our service providers to maintain) reasonable and appropriate organizational and technical measures to protect the security and confidentiality of any personal data we process. Please note however that no service is completely secure. While we strive to protect your data, we cannot guarantee that unauthorized access, hacking, data loss or a data breach will never occur.

Personal data we collect

When you interact with us, including when you become a member of the AIAR, participate in AIAR events, trips and activities,  sign up on our website e.g. to receive our newsletters, or use the AIAR Website, we collect personal data such as your login information, name, date of birth, address, email, nationality, professional and other information you provide to us and/or photographs taken at our events or uploaded on our website or on social media. Additionally, when you visit the AIAR Website, we automatically collect certain information about your device, including information about your web browser, IP address, and time zone.

AIAR Members who are less than 16 years old confirm that their parent(s) respectively the holder of parental responsibility have given their consent to their personal data being collected and processed in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

How do we use your personal data?

We collect your personal data in order to be able to stay in touch, to keep you informed about our calendar of events, about Le Rosey and the AIAR community, through our newsletters or otherwise, to offer a wide range of activities and services to AIAR members and for the adequate functioning of the AIAR Website. Your AIAR account is visible to other AIAR members via our app or website. You can request that your account be invisible to other members by managing your preferences under the Profile privacy section. You may also choose that only certain information from your profile be visible. Data collected also enables us to ensure that only AIAR members have access to our community, and more generally to improve and optimize the AIAR Website. Additionally, we are processing data in order to fulfill contractual commitments we might have with you (e.g. when you sign up for AIAR events or trips), or otherwise to pursue our legitimate interests listed above.

How and with whom we share your personal data?

We do share your contact details with AIAR representatives who are geographically located in your proximity or region under strict confidentiality guidelines in order for them to be able to contact you and to invite you to AIAR events. We also share your personal data with Le Rosey mainly to enable the Directors of admissions to liaise with you regarding a possible visit to your country. Please do let us know if you do not wish that your contact details be shared with either AIAR representatives around the world or with Le Rosey. We do not share your personal data outside Le Rosey and the AIAR community unless necessary to assist us in operating the AIAR Website, for payment purposes, and/or in relation to AIAR events, trips and activities, always subject to our legal obligations.

Your rights

You have the right to access personal data we hold about you and to ask that your personal information be corrected, updated, or deleted. If you would like to exercise this right, please contact us through the contact information below.

Data retention

We will maintain your personal data to enable your continued use of the AIAR Website for as long as necessary for that purpose or as may be required by law, or as otherwise communicated to you. How long we retain specific personal data varies depending on the purpose of its use, and we will delete your personal data in accordance with applicable law. 

If you have any questions about the security of your personal data or our retention policies, please contact us through the contact information below.


We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time in order to reflect, for example, changes to our practices or for other operational, legal or regulatory reasons.

Contact us

For more information about our privacy practices, if you have questions, or if you would like to make a complaint, please contact us by email at or by mail at:


Association Internationale des Anciens Roséens – AIAR

Château du Rosey

CH-1180 Rolle
